The Living Temple

AnnunciationBJAs we near the end of Advent, God begins to unfold His plan.

David contemplates building a temple to God. But like so many of us, David is thinking in a small and limited way. God’s plan is much larger than we can comprehend. He confirms that David is the king that will lead the Chosen People to greatness; they shall endure forever. Then God promises David an heir. It is David’s descendant who will build a house to the name of God. And upon that descendent God will establish the throne of His kingdom forever. And this Kingdom will include all nations.

To some extent God is speaking of Solomon, David’s son. But to a greater degree He speaks of Jesus, the Son of David.

God does not want a temple of cedar that will crumble to dust and fade away. His plan is for a temple of living stones. Mary shows us the way. She becomes the living temple of the incarnate God. Through Mary, God’s plan of salvation is put into motion. Through Mary, God comes among His people and changes everything.

No longer will God be worshipped in one place, in one temple. Now we, the people of God, His Church, are the true temple. God is worshipped in the hearts and minds of all believers. As such, this is temple that will endure forever.

And it all begins; it is all made possible, through the ascent of Mary Our Mother, to the will of God.

Pax Vobiscum
4th Sunday of Advent