“Our reward, the treasure, the prize we have sought from the beginning is an encounter with the divine.” TRANSFORMATION We have defeated the Adversary, we have survived death, we have overcome our greatest spiritual challenge. We are transformed into a new state, emerging from battle stronger than we were before,Continue Reading

“In our journey we frequently encounter trials and temptations that threaten to delay us, hinder us, or stop us all together. It is important to realize that these tests come in two distinct waves with different intent and different outcomes.” New Rules We cross the threshold from the visible worldContinue Reading

“Crossing the Threshold is all about this new world with new rules. In our spiritual journey, our quest to find our true self, this may mean that for the first time we truly enter the spiritual world.” Thresholds Thresholds are dangerous places, they present a barrier to prevent us fromContinue Reading

“in this ordinary, everyday existence, there is a sense that something is not right, the world is incomplete.” The Fields We Know We first meet Luke Skywalker, from Star Wars part IV, in his ordinary world. He is the extraterrestrial equivalent of a farm-boy, working for his Aunt and UncleContinue Reading