After Jesus rose from the dead, and after His Ascension into Heaven, Mary of Magdala traveled about the country. She proclaimed the Gospel to all she met, eagerly sharing the news, “Christ is risen!” Arriving in Rome, she sought an audience with Tiberius Caesar, intending to complain about the treatment ofContinue Reading

Cornelius, the Prefect of Rome, sat behind a table, shuffling papers, while before him stood Lawrence, last of the seven deacons. He regarded the prisoner with a certain amount of disdain. An edict, issued by the Emperor Valerian, declared that all bishops and high officials, who professed to follow JesusContinue Reading

In ancient times inexplicable events were attributed to the actions of spirits, angels or demons. Traditionally, Saint Gabriel, the angel of the Annunciation, communicates God’s will to us. Through Saint Raphael we may experience God’s healing and guidance, and Saint Michael the Archangel offers us God’s protection. These days thatContinue Reading