“Advent is traditionally a period of fasting and prayer as we prepare ourselves for the great day of our salvation. But we must remember that it is also a time of joy and anticipation.” It is a time of testing, preparation, and joy. The Angel of the Desert In traditionalContinue Reading

“Perhaps our greatest desire, often unexpressed, is to be content, to be at peace, to be happy” I would like to welcome our guest blogger today, Mr. Rudyard Kipling. My comments will follow. All yours Rudy. When Earth’s Last Picture is Painted When Earth’s last picture is painted and theContinue Reading

“We are called to think big, to think beyond the need that we see immediately before us” A Limited Vision The 1965 film “The Agony and the Ecstasy,” wherein Pope Julius II clashes with Michelangelo, is a wonderful reflection on faith, inspiration, and the trap of thinking small. For artistsContinue Reading

“It was apparent failures like these that ended up converting the entire Roman Empire to Christianity.” There are times when, despite our best efforts, we fail. Even though we know that our ministry is desperately needed, we are sometimes rejected. Jesus told us to work hard. He told us thereContinue Reading

“The disciples bring the fish-laden net ashore but it is Peter that brings it to Christ,” Why do we refer to Peter as the first “Pope? Three Denials, Three Affirmations When Jesus was arrested and taken before the Jewish leaders, Peter followed behind to observe the events. Three times PeterContinue Reading