“Advent is traditionally a period of fasting and prayer as we prepare ourselves for the great day of our salvation. But we must remember that it is also a time of joy and anticipation.” It is a time of testing, preparation, and joy. The Angel of the Desert In traditionalContinue Reading

Do you believe in miracles? On February 15, 1949, a construction worker named Giovanni Savino was severely injured in an accident involving dynamite. A doctor, Guglielmo Sanguinetti, Padre Raffaele, a capuchin, and a priest named Dominic Meyer all rushed to the injured man. All three noted that among Savino’s numerousContinue Reading

“John the Baptizer appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” John is the herald, calling us to prepare the way for the Lord. In the bible, the wilderness is the place where one encounters God. It is where Israel received the law whenContinue Reading