“Knowing who we are in God’s eyes can give us a tremendous sense of inner peace and strength.” Father Vincent Capodanno Father Vincent Capodanno, a Maryknoll Missionary, served as a marine chaplain during the Vietnam War. Lt. Joseph E. Pilon, MD, gives us an eyewitness account of “the grunt padre’s”Continue Reading

“True victory comes with perseverance and confidence in God’s goodness” The 1959 film, “A Dog of Flanders” is a lesson in persistence through adversity. (I don’t know if a “***spoiler warning***” is necessary for a 50 year old movie based on an even older novel, but consider yourself warned.)The storyContinue Reading

“Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” Luke 10:42 There is a classic argument between Catholic and non-Catholic Christian communities. Are we saved by faith alone or we saved by works? It is sometimes difficult to respond to this because the argument starts with aContinue Reading

There is a longstanding discussion among sacred artists regarding whether or not the Holy Trinity should be represented in art and if so what is the most appropriate way to do so. The Iconographic The argument against representing the Trinity usually centers around God the Father. The second person ofContinue Reading