“Viktor Vasnetsov should be credited with the true beginnings of the revival of the iconographic form.” It has been 66 years since the groundbreaking book “The Meaning of Icons,” by Ouspensky and Lossky was first published. The book is largely responsible for the modern revival of the art of iconography.Continue Reading

From the Rheinau Psalter, circa A.D. 1260 In his book “The Spirit of the Liturgy,” Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, touches upon the difference between the Iconographic art form and the Gothicart form. “The depiction(in the Gothic) is no longer of the Pantocrator, the Lord of all, leading us intoContinue Reading

“God’s Word is written on our hearts and we express that Truth in countless ways.” The Invisible Iconographer In traditional Orthodox iconography the goal of the iconographer is to be invisible. Individual expression or style is not sought after because it is considered a distraction to prayer and devotion. ThisContinue Reading