Loving God Means Trusting him

From the very beginning God has only asked one question of us; do we love Him? It is asked in different ways and with different words, sometimes with no words at all, but always the question is there; do we love Him? Will we obey Him?

Abram is called to leave all that he has ever known, his home and his livelihood and go to a land that God will show him. In return God promises Abram that he will be a blessing to a great nation.

The calling of Abram is the beginning of God’s covenant with His chosen people and from them will come the Savior of the World. But before any of that could happen it was necessary for one man to listen and do as the Lord directed.

Abram, who would become Abraham, started us on the long journey back to God, a journey we are still on. Abram listened and was strengthened by God for his journey.

On top of the mountain Peter, James and John are given a vision of Christ in His glory, a vision that will strengthen them for the difficult days ahead, days full of pain, suffering and doubt. It is also a vision of the final destination, the reward and blessing that will be ours if only we listen and do His will.

“To listen to Christ and obey his voice: this is the principle way, the only way, that leads to the fullness of joy and of love.” Pope Benedict XVI

One of the ways in which we show our love for God is how we treat each other, not only in terms of charity but also how we reach out to help people in ways that only we can.


Pax vobiscum
Peace be to you all
2nd Sunday of Lent