The Way, The Truth, and The Life

The Truth

During this time of Easter, between the Resurrection and Pentecost, the readings at mass follow along as Jesus guides the Church in its first steps. As the day draws near for Jesus to ascend to the Father, He begins to prepare His followers for a time when He will no longer be physically visible to them. Instead, He prepares them for a time when God will lead the Church in a hidden way, through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus assures His followers that if they believe, they will not only perform miracles such as He did, but the Church will do even greater deeds. From the very beginning, God reserved for His Church a role in the world that Jesus Himself did not wish to have.

We have seen the results. The impact of the Church on the world is all around us. Social mores, the university system, science, art, architecture, hospitals and charities all bear the imprint of the Catholic Church. Jesus laid the foundation for a Church built of living stones, a Church that would change the world.

But sadly over the last few hundred years, the forces of secularism have had a greater influence on society. Past evils have reasserted themselves in new ways. The modern world bears many similarities to the world in which the early Church fought for its life.

Jesus promised us, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If we have faith, we would prevail and do great works. It is time for us to change the world once again.

Pax vobiscum
5th Sunday of Easter