All Of Creation Waits For Us

Days of Creation Angels

God made us stewards of the world. But, as Saint Paul tells us, all of creation was affected by man’s fall and has a part in man’s redemption.

God reveals Himself to us in His created world. We can learn much about Him by contemplating His creation.

The natural world, although it reveals much to us about God, is not God. Primitive religions and many modern neo-pagans get this wrong. Rocks, trees, the sun, or even the world taken as a whole, are not divine beings.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

Nature is not God, it is God’s creation and God has given it to us to look after.

As wonderful as it is, this creation is mortal; it will pass away. A new heaven and a new earth will replace it. But mankind is immortal and will live for all eternity either with God or separated from Him. This present world exists in order for us to know, love, and serve Him.

But we are not always the good stewards we should be. Too often we misuse the gifts God has given us. As with all of God’s gifts we should be responsible in our stewardship of the natural world. We can enjoy it, develop its resources, and take pleasure in it, but we must also take care of it.

>When we do this properly, the world will continue to be a source of inspiration, joy, and a revelation of the person of God.

Pax Vobiscum
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time