The Value of Suffering


We are not here to make a broken world run smoothly; we are here to be signs of contention. We are called to conform ourselves not to this world, but to Christ. By doing this we transform ourselves into both a sermon and a sacrifice to the world.

Suffering is a virtue that is little understood in society today. It is shunned and avoided because our broken world sees no value in it, only pointless discomfort and pain. And yet all throughout the gospel Jesus shows us that we cannot achieve the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven without enduring the suffering of our age. Jesus became man in order to suffer as no one ever has.

Pope John Paul II wrote much about suffering in his later years. It was said that he transformed himself into an icon of the suffering servant. By enduring suffering we share in the saving work of Jesus. Through His suffering He overcame evil, and by conforming ourselves to Him we are able to overcome evil as well, for we are united to Him and his saving action.

For the suffering among us we are charged to go out and meet them, bringing them comfort and hope, to make a gift of ourselves to them. A Good Samaritan is anyone who attends to the needs of those who are suffering.

As Christians our lifelong task is to make of ourselves a living and holy sacrifice. This is the true worship suited to Christ the Word.

Pax Vobiscum
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time