New Book Release

livegloriouslycoverWebLgLive Gloriously: live the life you were meant to live
by Lawrence Klimecki

I am excited to announce the release of my new book “Live Gloriously.” It is currently available as an ebook and you can check it out here.

I have several titles in mind for future books, including the long gestating “Book of Saints,” stay tuned.

“Live Gloriously” guides you to achieve a clear idea of where you want to be and how your unique combination of gifts and talents can help you get there.

Be grateful for what you have received and always look for how you can help others. This is a powerful life-changing exercise. You can take a new path to a glorious life that is in harmony with God’s great plan for the salvation of humanity. It does not matter how big or small your dream is, if it matches your purpose for being here, you can achieve it and enjoy material and spiritual abundance.

“Live Gloriously” guides you along a path that will help you to realize your unique role in all of creation and encourage you to fulfill your purpose.

Buy the eBook here.