On the apse wall in the basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. is a large mosaic of Christ seated in Judgment. People either love it or hate it. Some who hate it point out that the mosaic depicts a muscular, physically strong Christ. But Christ triumphed in weakness.Continue Reading

Our society is very concerned about being nice. So much so that in an effort to be ‘nice’ we are discouraged from saying anything that might offend another person. That includes many Christian Truths. And so our voices are silenced or at the very least muffled. Absolute Truth falls victimContinue Reading

Saint Monica is one of the best examples we have of the power of consistent prayer and the way God answers those prayers. When her son Augustine came of age he told his mother that he had become a Manichean. Manichaeism was a pagan philosophical religion that directly contradicted Christianity.Continue Reading

In Jesus’ time there were a number of reasons an individual could be considered “unclean” and unable to act as a full member of the community. In all cases it was the responsibility of the priest to determine whether a person was “clean” and could once again take their placeContinue Reading

In 1571 Christian Europe was in chaos. The Protestant Reformation had broken the unity of the Church and the remaining Catholic kings fought amongst themselves for political advantage. In the midst of this confusion the Muslim empire of the Turks was once again threatening Europe. Their superior forces coupled withContinue Reading