What makes “Christian Art” Christian? Is there some value or quality that baptizes a work of art making it Christian? There is, but it may not be what you think. It isn’t about the subject matter, the genre, the style, the materials or the process. It isn’t even about the themeContinue Reading

Should a Christian artist paint themes from pagan mythology, other religions, or even fantasy motifs? Many artists who are deeply grounded in their Christian faith, especially those just starting out in their career, have questions about what is and is not appropriate subject matter. In a previous post I addressedContinue Reading

When is an artist like a prophet? When he reminds people of their relationship with God. We tend to think of a prophet as someone who predicts the future, but that is not at all the ancient understanding of the word. The word “prophet” comes from the Greek word “prophetes”Continue Reading

Why is the term Christian Art shunned even by Christian artists? I see this frequently, usually among well established artists who don’t want to be labeled by a specific genre. Fair enough, but I think there is more to it than that. The term Christian Art is avoided even byContinue Reading

Matthew Alderman is a graduate of the Notre Dame Architectueal School and a man of many gifts, architect, artist, and designer of liturgical furnishings. He is a regular contributor to “The shrine of the Holy Whapping” (yes, really!) and “The New Liturgical Movement” (for which he designed their new logo.)Continue Reading