From the Rheinau Psalter, circa A.D. 1260 In his book “The Spirit of the Liturgy,” Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, touches upon the difference between the Iconographic art form and the Gothicart form. “The depiction(in the Gothic) is no longer of the Pantocrator, the Lord of all, leading us intoContinue Reading

Reclaiming the Gothic Over at “The Way of Beauty” David Clayton has written often about the importance of re-establishing the Gothic Style as a living tradition. He describes one such model from the Rheinau Psalter here. Along with the Iconographic and the Baroque, the Gothic form is identified by Pope BenedictContinue Reading

“God did not establish a contract with His people, He established a covenant.” Contracts and covenants are part of our daily lives but they are very different things. Our society is governed in large part by contracts. These contracts may be formal or informal, written or oral, and usually involveContinue Reading