The Matrix, The Hero’s Journey, and the Artist’s Dilemma
“our lives are a constant struggle, a battle between our old fallen nature and our new redeemed Christian nature.” In the 1999 film “The Matrix,” the heroes of the film, those who fight against deception and oppression are betrayed by their own Judas, a character named Cypher. Cypher makes aContinue Reading
The Gothic Form, part V, The Crusader Bible
“The cycle of the rise and fall of man continues.” The Morgan Bible is unique in a number of ways not the least of which is the accompanying text that surrounds the images. Within about 100 years of its creation, Latin captions were added to the margins explaining the images.Continue Reading
On God, Priorities, and the Artistic Conscience
“Do we live for God or do we live for ourselves? What are our priorities?” It is a matter of priorities. Actor Neal McDonough recently recalled a time when he was fired from the ABC television series “Scoundrels” for refusing to do love scenes with his series co-star. “I wasContinue Reading
The Gothic Form, part IV, The Crusader Bible
“The story of Noah is the story of God uncreating the world in order to create it anew.” In terms of style and symbolism the Iconographic and the Gothic are closely related. The Gothic is sometimes referred to as a more naturalized version of the Iconographic. As contemporary artists rediscoverContinue Reading
Adventure, Unworthiness, and the Artistic Calling
“few of us feel worthy of this calling. Isaiah, Peter, and Paul all expressed their feelings of unworthiness when God called them to fulfill their mission.” Adventure Perhaps you remember this. “I’m looking for someone to share in an adventure.” “An adventure? No, I don’t imagine anyone west of BreeContinue Reading
The Gothic Form, part III, The Crusader Bible
“With the expulsion from the Garden we begin a cycle.” It can be difficult to formulate “rules” for an artistic form because we can almost always find an example that breaks the rule. There really are no rules when it comes to the Gothic form. There is received sacred traditionContinue Reading
Relativism and the Artist as the Creative Servant
“transcendent truths that are always true in spite of relativism, political correctness, or a misplaced sense of politeness.” Saint Augustine of Hippo once said, “When regard for truth has been broken down or even slightly weakened, all things will remain doubtful.” The truth is no longer valued as it onceContinue Reading
The Gothic Form, part II, The Crusader Bible
“Man is different from all the other creatures” MS M.638, fol. 1v illustrates Genesis 1:20 to Genesis 3:6, the Fifth Day of Creation to the Forbidden Fruit. The angels continue to praise God during the creation of the fifth and sixth days. In the Iconographic tradition a gold background representsContinue Reading
Heaven, Hell, and the Artistic Inspiration
“Every artist reacts to what is around him as well as what came before” Hell and Heaven There was once a worldly man, concerned chiefly with his own success and achievements, who questioned the nature of Heaven and Hell. One night he had a vision. In the vision an angelContinue Reading
The Crusader Bible And The Gothic Form, part I
“the Maciejowski Bible is a wonderful treasure, not only as a source of medieval iconography but also for its high level of artistic skill.” The Maciejowski Bible, also know as the Crusader Bible or the Morgan Bible is a 13th century illuminated manuscript held at the Morgan Library & MuseumContinue Reading