Carrying Our Cross
As Disciples of Christ we are called to decide every day to pick up our cross and follow Him. This goes much further than bearing our own little problems from day to day. It means that we are actually called to set aside those problems, and not let them distractContinue Reading
To Live for Christ
What does it mean to live for Christ? What does it mean when Paul tells us it is no longer he who lives but Christ who lives in him? In Paul’s time it was believed that the only way to have a right relationship with God was to follow theContinue Reading
Living The Way You Were Meant To Live
How many of us live the way God intended for us to live? How often do we do what is easy instead of what is right? Do we even notice the slow death of our spiritual lives as we engage in sinful behavior? Saint Paul was set apart, in hisContinue Reading
God Increases His Family
How can we call ourselves God’s family? When I give Baptismal Preparation classes I often ask the men in the room, “How many of you thought you were marrying just one person, and then come to find that you actually married an entire family?” The heads of the men almostContinue Reading
The Trinity Teaches Us About Ourselves
The Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is one God but three persons. How can one God be three persons? Too often we ask the wrong question. Rather, we should ask, what does the dogma of the Trinity say about our purpose in life? Think back to the bestContinue Reading
The Holy Spirit Unites Us
The love between God the Father and God the Son is so strong that it forms a third person, the Holy Spirit. As the Son is the one who reveals to us the Father, Jesus is our entrance into this love. The Holy Spirit is the most mysterious person ofContinue Reading
The Peace of Christ
As Jesus continues to prepare his followers for the time when He will no longer be visible, He imparts to us a great gift, His peace. All too often in our world peace is little more than a ceasefire or even a type of “Cold War.” But the peace thatContinue Reading
Disordered Art
The world has a disordered view of art. This should not come as a surprise as we live in a fallen world, a world that is less than what it could be, less than what God intended it to be. Somewhere back along our history our first parents turned awayContinue Reading
The Most Beautiful Church in America
What is the most beautiful church in America? According to a recent poll it is Saint John Cantius in Chicago, Check out the story here.Continue Reading
Following the Shepherd’s Call
Sheep really do respond to their Shepherd’s call. But they need to be close enough to hear his voice so that they can follow him. A God who is a good shepherd is a God who walks with His people and cares about their every joy and sorrow. When weContinue Reading