An Easter People
“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are an Easter people and alleluia is our song.” Pope John Paul II What does it mean to be an Easter people? Easter is the celebration of the risen Lord, it is also called Resurrection Sunday. It is the day the Lord walkedContinue Reading
Our Gifts Belong To God
In ancient Judea a donkey was a very valuable commodity. It was transportation, it carried loads, and it helped to cultivate the land. It was often a person’s prized possession. A donkey that had never been ridden was especially valuable, much like we value a new car that has neverContinue Reading
The Wisdom of Jesus
Traditionally the fifth Sunday of Lent was referred to as Passion Sunday. Nowadays Palm Sunday shares this designation. But still, with today’s readings we shift our focus to the coming Passion. We do this because the Lord shows us it is the proper time to do so. Some Greeks wishContinue Reading
There was a time when the Lenten fast was much more severe than it is today. We can get an idea of just how severe from observing the current traditions of the Eastern Orthodox Church. As they get closer to Easter the scope of the fast expands. By the beginningContinue Reading
The Cross of Victory
Other projects kept me from getting back to this as soon as I had hoped but I was finally able to put some time in to get it finished. This is the cross that was started at the live painting event at Easter’s Books and Gifts. It portrays the crucifixContinue Reading
The Nature of Worship
What constitutes true worship? This is the theme we meditate on as we come to the middle of the Lenten season. God reveals Himself in the giving of the 10 commandments. He introduces Himself as the sole God and any form of idol worship is therefore worthy of punishment. AllContinue Reading
Our Lady and the Samurai
Recently completed private commission. A samurai kneels before the Blessed Virgin Mary and the child Jesus. Executed in a style reminiscent of Japanese woodblock prints.Continue Reading
God Gives Us Everything
For the Jews the sacrifice of Abraham is the climax of their covenant relationship with God. It is seen as a double sacrifice. First there is the sacrifice of the father, Abraham, willing to give up his own son. Then there is the sacrifice of the son who willingly givesContinue Reading
Jesus Wept
The shortest verse in the bible is “Jesus wept.” Jesus wept over the loss of His friend Lazarus and how that loss affected Lazarus’ sisters, Martha and Mary. Jesus wept over Jerusalem because the people would not accept the love He offered them. When Jesus weeps it is perhaps thenContinue Reading
Touching The Lepers
Our Lord teaches us by His actions as well as by His words. In healing the leper He teaches us a great lesson. Not in the healing, we have come to expect that of Him, but in this; “He stretched out His hand, touched him…” Jesus could have healed theContinue Reading