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Past talks have included:
The Adventurous Life: storytelling and our spiritual journey – Do you have a sense that there is something wrong with the world? Even more, do you think that you should be able to do something about it? Are you are not sure where to begin? Do you feel a little lost?
Many of us have lost our sense of story. We have lost, not only the story of mankind but our individual story as well. We no longer see the stories we tell each other as anything other than entertainment. But the stories we tell each other have always had a spiritual element as well. Whether they are parables from the Bible, folktales, books, television or movies there is a structure to stories, a structure based on our spiritual journey. That is why they have the ability to resonate so deeply within us.
In this talk, Deacon Lawrence looks at our most popular forms of storytelling, with particular attention on popular movies, and connects them to our spiritual journey. He looks at how screenwriters are trained to put a structure in their stories that reflects the journey of our lives. By examining this structure we can gain new insights into our lives and begin to see the world and the obstacles we encounter in a new and different way.
“Everyone should see themselves as the hero of their story, heroes who can change the world.”
Art & Ecumenism – There has been a great deal of attention given to the differences between various faith-based communities. Very little attention has been given to what we hold in common. This talk, with accompanying slides, looks at art as a starting point in ecumenical dialogue. Understanding the role that art and beauty has played in religious communities of the past can afford us new insights into bringing our present communities together in the mutual appreciation and cooperation.
Art & Evangelization – Saint John Paul II called for a New Evangelization and art and artists were to play a prominent role. In this talk Deacon Lawrence comments on John Paul II’s “Letter to Artists,” how we are all called to be artists, and the role we may take on in the New Evangelization by making our lives a work of art.
A Theology of Beauty – In recent years there has been a great deal of interest in the topic of Beauty, along with its accompanying transcendentals, Truth and Goodness. Deacon Lawrence offers some thoughts toward coming to an understanding of God through Beauty.
Choosing Art for Our Churches – In his book “The Spirit of the Liturgy,” Pope Benedict XVI (writing as Cardinal Ratzinger) suggested several art forms that were most appropriate for use in our sacred spaces. Using slides, Deacon Lawrence examines each of theses forms, commenting on what makes them particularly suited to the liturgy. This talk is particularly helpful to pastors and liturgical committees as they struggle to choose art for their sacred spaces.
A Catholic Understanding of Icons – With the resurgence of iconography in the early twentieth century there has been a great deal of confusion as to the role of icons in our worship. Deacon Lawrence gives a brief history of sacred art up to its present incarnation. He then discusses this sacred art form in the context of the Catholic faith, highlighting the different understandings between the Eastern and Western churches.
Past Venues have included:
Ecumenical, Eastern Catholics, and Interreligious affairs, Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA
Easters Faith Formation Center, Sacramento, CA
Theology on Tap, Vallejo, CA
Shalom World Television Network, Rancho Cordova, CA
Veritas Catholic Young Adults, Sacramento, CA
Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, CA
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