John of Fiesole (Fra Angelico), the patron of Christian artists, left us many paintings but few words. The quotes that are attributed to him, however, speak volumes. “He who wishes to paint Christ’s story, must live with Christ.” “He who does Christ’s work, must stay with Christ always.”  On beingContinue Reading

“Behold, the Lamb of God.” With those words a torch is passed. John the Baptist sends his disciples to the one who is greater than he. John does not even consider himself worthy to be the slave of Jesus. So he sends Andrew and another disciple to Jesus and JesusContinue Reading

One son refused to do his father’s bidding, but later repented and did as requested. The other son agreed immediately but did not do as he was asked. Both sons have lessons to teach. God values a late conversion. He demonstrated this in the justice and mercy He showed toContinue Reading