“our lives are a constant struggle, a battle between our old fallen nature and our new redeemed Christian nature.” In the 1999 film “The Matrix,” the heroes of the film, those who fight against deception and oppression are betrayed by their own Judas, a character named Cypher. Cypher makes aContinue Reading

“few of us feel worthy of this calling. Isaiah, Peter, and Paul all expressed their feelings of unworthiness when God called them to fulfill their mission.” Perhaps you remember this. “I’m looking for someone to share in an adventure.” “An adventure? No, I don’t imagine anyone west of Bree wouldContinue Reading

“Our reward, the treasure, the prize we have sought from the beginning is an encounter with the divine.” TRANSFORMATION We have defeated the Adversary, we have survived death, we have overcome our greatest spiritual challenge. We are transformed into a new state, emerging from battle stronger than we were before,Continue Reading

Do you believe in miracles? On February 15, 1949, a construction worker named Giovanni Savino was severely injured in an accident involving dynamite. A doctor, Guglielmo Sanguinetti, Padre Raffaele, a capuchin, and a priest named Dominic Meyer all rushed to the injured man. All three noted that among Savino’s numerousContinue Reading