© Lawrence Klimecki As the treasurer of the early Church, guardian of the church’s material wealth, it is a logical conclusion that Lawrence would have been responsible for safeguarding the cup Our Lord used at the “Last Supper.”Author Janice Bennett explores this idea in her book, St. Laurence and the Holy Grail.Continue Reading

How do we define success? What is truly real and important? Are we taken in by the world’s measure of success, money, power, and popularity? We live in a world where selfishness and sin are frequently glorified and glamorized while true success is ignored. The rich and famous are heldContinue Reading

Jesus came to His “native place.” He preached to those who had known Him since childhood, His friends, neighbors, and relatives. And although they were impressed by His wisdom and eloquence still they could not get past the fact that they knew him as just the carpenter. They took offenseContinue Reading